
Armenia Internet Registry

Internet Society 30th anniversary video
ISOC AM Journal, devoted to its 30th anniversary

Internet Society 25th anniversary celebration node in ISOC Armenia

There is an AM zone Improper Content Response Group working in Armenia. If you notice a content violating AM zone policy (https://www.amnic.net/policy/en/) you can send a mail to this working group. Your letter will be considered and proper measures taken.

IT news in Armenia

INET Armenia 2013
History of ISOC AM NGO

ISOC affiliate

Domain Name Registration in Armenia


Charter of ISOC AM

ICANN Accountability Framework on .am TLD management
Letters of Exchange with ICANN on .հայ TLD management

Agreement with the Ministry of Transport and Communications of RA

ISOC AM is a member of ccNSO, ALAC, and CENTR

Other ISOC AM sites
Armenian IGF web site
Armenian school on Internet Governance
"Interent Availability Center for Blinds" web site
INET Armenia Conference web site
"Internet radio for blinds" web site
E-riders' website

E-learning resources
ICANN courses
Internet Society
1. On-line courses
2. Education and leadership programs
Coursera on-line courses
Udacity on-line courses
Virtual University- Web Design and Programming Courses
RIPE NCC: Learn on-line videos (IPv6, DNSSEC, RIPE Database, RIPE Community)
8 Free Online Networking Classes
Microsoft Virtual Academy
Free Online Cisco Training
The LIR Course on the RIPE NCC Academy: https://academy.ripe.net/



December 17, 2024. IGF 2024 "Building our Multistakeholder Digital Future", Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
ISOC AM NGO and Armenia Chapter Board member Kristina Hakobyan participated in the IGF 2024. The Programme was shaped according to the four main themes: 
- Harnessing innovation and balancing risks in the digital space
- Enhancing the digital contribution to peace, development, and sustainability
- Advancing human rights and inclusion in the digital age
- Improving digital governance for the Internet We Want.

December 9, 2024. Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM Board meeting
The agenda of the meeting included the following issues:
1. On giving consent to the annual budget of ISOC AM NGO.
2. On approving the annual budget of the Internet Technologies Center.
3. About extending the term of office of the director of the Internet Technologies Center.
The draft annual budget estimates for 2025 was presented.
The term of office of K. Hakobyan, director of the Internet Technologies Center, was expiring on January 1, 2025.
After the issues of the agenda of the session, a working discussion took place regarding the changes in the charter of the ISOC AM NGO proposed by Misak Khachatryan (to include the director of the ISOC AM NGO, AMNIC's administrative and technical contacts into the Board by default) and Aram Verdyan (to limit the number of candidates from the same registry organization for the position of the Board member).

November 22, 2024. Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM Board meeting.
ISOC AM Board meeting took place.
The agenda of the session included the following question:
About allocating money for events dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the ".am" domain.

November 9-14, 2024. Istanbul, Turkey. ICANN 81
ISOC AM NGO Director of Administration Kristina Hakobyan took part in the ICANN 81 meetings.

November 6, 2024. Yerevan, Armenia. Youth IGF
This year, “Internet Society” NGO and “Internet Society Armenia Chapter” PO are launching “Youth Internet Governance Forum” for individuals aged 16 to 30 were organized by the “Internet Society” NGO and “Internet Society Armenia Chapter”.
The following topic were discussed at the Forum:
What are the innovations brought by the Internet to education?
How can the latest technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR), and Virtual Reality (VR), be used to make education more engaging and inclusive?
What are the positive and negative aspects of Internet innovations?                             
Conference participants had the opportunity to learn about and utilize AI, AR and VR technologies with guidance from specialists.

November 5, 2024. Yerevan, Armenia. ArmIGF 2024.
ISOC AM NGO together with the Internet Governance Council and ISOC Armenia Chapter organized the 9th Armenia Internet Governance Forum. Representatives from public and business organizations, along with renowned experts, participated in the event, that was supported by international partners. One of the main topics of the forum was the 30th anniversary of the .am domain.

October 29, 2024. Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM Board meeting
The agenda of the meeting included the following question:
Approval of the budget related to the "9th Internet Management Conference" and .am 30th anniversary events.

October 28, 2024. Yerevan, Armenia.Girls in ICT 2024.
This annual event has an objective is to address and encourage women’s participation in the information and communication technology sector.
ISOC AM NGO and Internet Society Armenia chapter organized the event o encourage the widespread use of young women’s potential in the growth of the ICT sector in Armenia.

October 5, 2024. Yerevan, Armenia. DigiTec Expo.
ISOC AM NGO members visited Digitec Expo, Armenia's top event for networking and exploring tech trends.

October 4, 2024. Yerevan, Armenia. Encryption day. Safeguarding Our Digital Future
Encryption Day in Armenia within the framework of Global Encryption Day took place with the agenda:


Igor Mkrtumyan, ISOC Armenia Chapter, President

What is Ransomware and How Can You Protect Yourself?

Areg Shmavonyan, "InfoSec" LLC, Cybersecurity Engineer

Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC)

Sergey Abrahamyan, PhD, professor, AUA

Encryption in E-Government and Digital Governance

Yeghisabet Alaverdyan, «EKENG» CJSC Head of Systems Integration Department

Encryption in the Financial Sector

Karen Yerznkanyan, Central Depositary of Armenia, Information Security Officer

Encryption and Cybersecurity Challenges


September 25-26, 2024. Armavir, Armenia. ArmSIG 2024
ISOC AM NGO together with ISOC Armenia Chapter organized Armenian School of Internet (ArmSIG) in Armavir city under the theme “Internet and New Developments: Labor Market Trends.” 50 residents of Armavir participated in the event. Agenda of AmSIG included various developments on Internet governance, international scholarship opportunities in the IT sector, and the process of participating in local and global conferences.
ArmSIG 2024 was held in Armavir on September 25 and 26, under the theme “Internet and New Developments”.

September 22, 2024. Da Nang, Vietnam. APTLD 86.
ISOC AM Bord members Kristina Hakobyan, Vesmira Harutyunyan and Narine Derdzakyan participated in the APTLD 86 conference. Vesmira Harutyunyan made a presentation “30th Anniversary of .am Domain and Internet Society NGO”.

19 September 2024. ISOC AM Board meeting.
- Admission of new members
- Approval of new staff positions.

18 September 2024. UAC Webinar on past and future UA Day events, by and for ccTLDs.
Igor Mkrtumyan, ISOC AM Board Chair, and Anna Karakhanyan, Co-chair of Regional Coordination Group for Universal Acceptance of the CIS and Eastern European Countries, participated.

September 5-6. Minsk, Belarus. TLDCON 2024.
AMNIC administrator Anna Karakhanyan participated in the TLDCON 2024 with a presentation РЕГИСТРАТУРА доменной зоны .am/.հայ 2024.

July 10, 2024. Yerevan, Armenia. AMNIC.
Equipment for the second instance of the country DNS servers was purchased and upgrade started.

July 1 2024. Yerevan, Armenia. Regithon 2024
The annual working meeting of Registrars and the “Internet Society” NGO took place. Representatives from ICANN and the Ministry of High-Tech Industry of RA participated in Regithon2024, which brought together 30 Registrars along with other guests.
They discussed global trends in domain management, data storage and retrieval, the current status of the Universal Acceptance process, and upcoming developments.
The annual growth rate of .am registrations is 5.3%, showing positive regional progress but falling short of the desired maximum. Igor Mkrtumyan, Board Chair of the “Internet Society” NGO, presented the development process of .am. To achieve better results, he emphasized the need to study the operational methods of ICANN’s top 10 Registrars and adopt their successful practices.
Discussions were held with the representative of the Ministry of High-Tech Industry of RA regarding the necessity of establishing cybersecurity standards, licensing procedures for specialists by law, and addressing other legislative matters in the field.
At Regithon2024, registrars were also briefed on the operations of Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERT) and the significance of collaboration with them. CERTs play a crucial role in enhancing cybersecurity in .am and .հայ domains. They detect cyber threats and provide mitigation strategies to website managers.
From an internet infrastructure development perspective, Registrars also emphasized the importance of collaboration in hosting services and the establishment of new necessary infrastructures.

June 17-19, 2024. Vilnius, Lithuania. EuroDIG2024

EuroDIG2024, the European dialogue on Internet governance, was held in Vilnius, Lithuania’s capital, from June 17-19 under the theme “Balancing Innovation and Regulation.”
Armenia was represented at the conference by Kristina Hakobyan, Vice-Chair of the Board of the “Internet Society” NGO, Vesmira Harutyunyan, Chair of the Board of the “Internet Society Armenia Chapter” PO, and Narine Derdzakyan, Vice-Chair of the Board of the “Internet Society Armenia Chapter” PO.
Over 300 participants at EuroDIG2024 addressed key aspects of Internet development, including human rights in the digital space, cybersecurity, Internet access, data protection, and other critical topics.
The interplay between the WSIS+20 review of global digital cooperation principles, the Global Digital Agreement, and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was underscored.
EuroDIG2024 advocated for enhancing the multi-stakeholder governance model of the Internet under the GDC framework. The conference suggests streamlining the monitoring and evaluation of GDC commitments, with a significant role attributed to the IGF and WSIS conferences.

June 10-13, 2024. ICANN 80. Kigali, Rwanda

The discussion of ICANN’s policy review took place at the ICANN80 conference.
At ICANN80, held from June 10-13 in Kigali, Rwanda’s capital, Armenia was represented by Kristina Hakobyan, vice-chair of the “Internet Society” NGO and Siranush Vardanyan, Board memberof the “Internet Society” NGO.
Discussions at ICANN-80 with the multi-stakeholder community aimed to revise the organization’s policies, expand the domain name system, and foster a more multilingual and inclusive Internet.
Significant progress in these areas during the current year was noted at the conference. Simultaneously, a task was established to review ICANN’sprocesses and explore new ideas and approaches.
The organization’s overarching goal remains ensuring the stability of Internet security and expanding mutual cooperation to achieve this aim.

June 7, 2024. Yerevan, Armenia. Digital Tools in Business: A Course for Entrepreneurs

Development of the Internet has created new opportunities for businesses. To enhance the skills required to leverage these opportunities, the “Internet Society” NGO launched the course “Business in the Digital Environment: Opportunities and Challenges”.
“The digital world provides tools for achieving high efficiency and competitiveness that are applicable across all fields. Our aim is to introduce these tools and demonstrate the practical benefits of utilizing them,” stated Kristina Hakobyan, Vice Chair of the “Internet Society” NGO.
Mamikon Arakelyan, the Director of Reg.am Organization and the main speaker of the course for entrepreneurs, discussed free options for showcasing businesses online and how to effectively utilize them. Mechanisms for reducing IT infrastructure costs in business through cloud technologies, automating accounting, order processing, and other business processes were outlined.
During the practical segment of the course, participants were introduced to online tools by specialists and proceeded to create a prototype website and business card page for their business.

June 5, 2024. Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM Board meeting.
1. Allocating money for the filming of a film dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the ".am" domain.
2. Discussion on changes to the bylaws of "Internet Society" NGO.

7 May, 2024. Yerevan, Armenia.Universal Acceptance Day in Armeni

17 April 2024. WSIS+20 Outreach Network
Global Digital Compact Zero Draft - 2024 (online webinar). Participants from Armenia: Anna Karakhanyan

April 23, 2024. Yerevan, Armenia.ISOC AM general assembly.
1. On approving the 2023 activity and property use report of the "Internet Society" public organization.
The report was approved.

April 18 2024. APRALO Monthly meeting 
ISOC AM Board member Vesmira Harutyunyan participated in the meeting.

9-10 April 2024. Russia. RIGF 14

8-9 April 2024. Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM Board meeting.
1. About the dismissal of some members of the "Internet Society" NGO
2. On approving the 2023 activity and property use report of the "Internet Society " NGO
3. About convening the "Internet Society" NGO general assembly.

28 March 2024. UA day 24, Serbia

10:00     Welcome, DejanĐukić, Director, Serbian National Internet Domain Registry Foundation (RNIDS)
DankoJevtovic, Member Board of Directors, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), Ministry of Information and Telecommunication, Serbia
Moderator: RNIDS
10:20     Plenary Session 1: Multilingual Internet as an Imperative for Digital Inclusion
What role do domain names and email addresses play in today’s multilingual Internet? How does Universal Acceptance (UA) contribute to digital inclusivity for Internet users around the world? What social and economic benefits does UA provide? This high-level panel will explore these questions and more, aiming to highlight the importance of UA in achieving a truly global, multilingual Internet.
Sally Costerton, President and Interim CEO, ICANN, UNESCO
Anil Kumar Jain, CEO of CSC WifiChoupal India; Chair, Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG);
Leonid Todorov, General Manager, Asia Pacific Top Level Domain Association (APTLD)
Jaroslaw Ponder, Head of the ITU Office for Europe, International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Moderator: Mikhail Anisimov, Senior Manager Global Stakeholder Engagement, ICANN
11:45     Plenary Session 2: Universal Acceptance in Local Communities: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities
This dynamic panel session will feature members of the UA community who will share their experience in implementing UA locally. The discussion will cover UA progress in various local regions, challenges encountered, solutions discovered, and best practices for encouraging UA adoption at the local level.
Maria Kolesnikova, Chief Analyst, Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ
Anna Karakhanyan, Board Member, Internet Society NGO (.am, .հայ Domain Names Registry), AMNIC Administrator
AnawinPongsaboripat, Assistant Director, Thai Network Information Center (THNIC) Foundation
Walter Wu, UA Ambassador and Chinese Domain Name Initiative, President of Strategic Partner and Business Development .商标DotTrademarkOrganisation
Moderator: DijanaMilutinović, Communications Manager, RNIDS
14:15     Plenary Session 3: Showcasing Universal Acceptance Implementation
What tools and resources for implementing and measuring UA are available today? What are the best practices discovered so far? Join leading experts for a panel discussion for the technical community and academia that aims to showcase clear and practical examples of UA implementation and results.
Nabil Benamar, Professor of Computer Sciences at Moulay Ismail University of Meknes, Morocco; Vice Chair, UASG Measurement Working Group
Vadim Mikhailov, Infrastructure consultant, Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ
AnawinPongsaboripat, Assistant Director, Thai Network Information Center (THNIC) Foundation
Walter Wu, UA Ambassador and Chinese Domain Name Initiative, President of Strategic Partner and Business Development .商标DotTrademarkOrganisation
ArntGulbrandsen, UA Technology Senior Manager, ICANNBig Tech, e.g., Gmail or Microsoft.
Moderator: DušanStojičević, vice president of RNIDS BOG and marketing director at Gransy
16:00     Parallel Session 4.1: Integrating UA into Technical Curriculum in Universities
UA is a cornerstone of today’s global, multilingual Internet and the new competitive differentiator that every aspiring developer, programmer and system administrator should have in their skill set. This discussion among technical experts will explore challenges and possible methods and solutions for integrating UA education into IT curricula and educating the next generation of technical professionals on UA.
Sarmad Hussain, Senior Director IDN and UA Programs, ICANN
Nodumo Dhlamini, Association of African Universities (AAU) Ghana
Aleksandra Smiljanić, Professor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Nemanja Radosavljević, Vice Dean for Education, School of Computing, Union University in Belgrade, Serbia
Moderator: Nabil Benamar, Professor of Computer Sciences at Moulay Ismail University of Meknes, Morocco; Vice Chair, UASG Measurement Working Group
16:00     Parallel Session 4.2: Universal Acceptance Implementation: A Technical Workshop
Those who develop, provide or govern websites and online applications play an important role in UA adoption. This technical training session, aimed at software developers and system administrators, will cover how to program, and configure technical tools e.g., websites, software applications, email servers, for supporting Universal Acceptance of domain names and email addresses. Join this session to learn how to future-proof your career through UA and help everyone experience the full power of the Internet.   
ArntGulbrandsen, UA Technology Senior Manager, ICANN

26 March 2024. Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM general assembly
1. Election of the Board Chair
2. Election of Vice-Chairs
3. Termination of membership
Igor Mkrtumyan was elected a chair, Vahan Hovsepyan, Albert Toneyan and Kristina Hakobyan as vice-chairs of the board.

02-07 March 2024. ICANN 79. San Juan, Puerto Rico

ISOC AM board vice-chair Kristina Hakobyan and board members, Vesmira Harutyunyan, Narine Derdzakyan, participated in the meeting.
ISOC AM board members Kristina Hakobyan, Vesmira Harutyunyan and Narine Derdzakyan took part in the meeting.
Introduction the unique identifiers, and the role of IANA
How IANA relates to ICANN, and the role of PTI
Specific discussion of number resources and the role of RIRS
Specific discussion of ccTLDs and how they are managed and transferred
GAC Capacity Development Workshop

ISOC AM vice-chair Kristina Hakobyan participated in the meeting. ISOC AM board member Anna Karakhanyan took part online.
IANA/PTI’s role, cctLDs Transfer and IP Addresses Allocation
This session is intended to provide GAC members with the necessary knowledge on the operations of IANA/PTI in the Internet Protocol Address allocation. The second part of the session will focus on ccTLDs transfer, particularly on IANA’s role related to the ccTLD transfer process.
Presentation material (available after the session): https://gac.icann.org/sessions/icann79-session-2-gac-capacity-development-workshop-iana-pti-s-role-cctlds-transfer-and-ip-addresses-allocation

February 24, 2024. Yerevan, Armenia.
It was decided to setup իհ.հայ domain and IDN e-mail server to serve multiple isoc.am users

February 19–22. 2024. APTLD, Goa, India
ISOC AM board vice-chair Kristina Hakobyan participated in the APTLD meeting.

February 19–22, 2024. ICANN 78. Hamburg, Germany

The ICANN 78 attendees were briefed on a variety of topics and advancements, including WHOIS data protection, DNS abuse, universal acceptance, and other topics. The 25th anniversary of ICANN came on the same day as the conference.
GAC (Governments Advisory Committee) meetings took place within the framework of ICANN 78. RA Deputy Minister of the high-tech industry Avet Poghosyan and ISOC NGO board member Kristina Hakobyan participated in these talks alongside with representatives of NGOs and governments. Sector developments and regional sector development projects were showcased.
“We present our current efforts and learn about worldwide technology trends during the ICANN conference. We are working with our country’s state structures and attempting to take full advantage of this platform’s potential,” stated Kristina Hakobyan.

October 6, 2023. Yerevan, Armenia. Global Encryption Day in Armenia.

September 5-6, 2023. TLDCON 2024.
AMNIC administrator and ISOC AM Board member, Anna Karakhanyan, took part in the TLDCON 2024 conference with a presentation.

August 7, 2023. Yerevan, Armenia. Meeting with the High-tech Deputy Minister.
At the invitation of High-tech Deputy Minister, Mr. Avet Poghosyan, a meeting of Deputy Minister with members of ISOC AM Board took place in the Ministry with the following agenda:
-Presentation of the Internet Governance Council on the Internet Governance Forum and initiation of further meetings. The necessity of close cooperation between
High-tech Ministry/ISOC AM, High-tech Ministry/ICANN, and ISOC AM/ICANN was emphasized,
- 2023 Internet Governance Forum Agenda (Preliminary),
- Use of the Armenian domain names by state and government bodies (by the initiative of the ministry)
- Universal Acceptance Day

 July 17, 2023. Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM board meeting.
Discussion of proposal of changes in «.am» and «.հայ» domains registration policy.
The board meeting was devoted to the problem of “How to escape the registration of domain names confusingly similar to the governmental and bank domain names”.
1. Domain name registration policy concerning banks. It was suggested to send letters to banks operating in the Republic of Armenia,
offering them to register bank domain names that they consider confusingly similar to their bank names. In case of not registering those domain names, the Registry will be free to register it on the name of an applicant.
2. Domain name registration policy concerning domain names confusingly similar to a governmental domain name. The Registry already has the list of domains reserved for governmental needs. It serves as a ground for refusal of registration.
Receiving an application for the registration of a domain name confusingly similar to a governmental domain name, the Registry body determines whether a given domain name is eligible for inclusion in the list of government domain names or not. If so, it is included. If not, the given domain name is free for registration.

July 5, 2023. Yerevan, Armenia. Regithon
The Internet Technologies Center (ITC) organized the annual conference of the Registry, and registrars, "Regithon 2023". Different aspects of domain registration policy were discussed. Registrars’ opinion on domain registration policy was pronounced and taken for consideration.
One of the key topics of this meeting was the development opportunities of Armenian domains. Igor Mkrtumyan, board chair of ISOC AM, noted in his report that the spread of the national domain is of strategic importance for the country. For this very purpose, Armenia joined the "Universal Acceptance" global movement. And as in the whole world, active steps are being taken to expand the possibilities of using the Armenian domains. The pilot project results of creation of Armenian-letter e-mail were also presented.
In order to expand the scope of work, registrars were suggested to join efforts in public awareness, organizing joint campaigns. Issues of domain registration, development of registrars' online platforms, as well as international cooperation were also discussed.

June 10-15, 2023. ICANN 77
ITC Director, Kristina Hakobyan, took part in the ICANN 77 sessions in-person.

AMNIC administrator, Anna Karakhanyan, took part in the ICANN 77 ccNSO sessions on-line.

May 10, 2023. ISOC AM Board meeting
Agenda: Approval of the “Rapid response task force”working order.
The working order was approved.

April 19, 2023. Regional online Readout devoted to main ICANN 76 meeting outcomes.
During the event, the ICANN community in the region talked about the most important issues discussed at the conference, shared the latest news and plans from the ICANN organization and key working groups in the areas of policy development, security, infrastructure development, universal acceptance, and other initiatives.
Conference speakers:
Irina Danelia, .RU/.РФ Coordination Center: ccNSO updates
Maxim Alzoba, FAITID: gNSO updates
Kristina Hakobyan, ISOC AM: GAC updates
Vadim Mikhailov, .RU/.РФ Coordination Center: summary of the ICANN 76 technical sections
Pavel Khramtsov, MSK-IX: RSSAC news and root server infrastructure updates
Andrey Kolesnikov, IoT Association: SSAC updates and security Initiatives
Natalia Filina, EURALO: At-large updates
ISOC AM together with the ISOC Armenia Chapter organized the Universal Acceptance Day regional conference.
All information about the event can be seen here.

28 March 2023. UA day regional conference
ISOC AM NGO together with ISOC Armenia Chapter organized a UA day regional conference. The UA day report can be seen

28 March 2023.ccNSO 20th Anniversary Celebration 
ISOC AM (Armenia Internet Registry) celebrated the date, which is also the date of 15 year membership of ISOC AM in the ccNSO. Celebation video can be seen here.

11-17 March 2023. ICANN76, Cancun.

ISOC AM Board members, Siranush Vardanyan and Kristina Hakobyan took part in person in the ICANN76 conference in Cancun.

09 March 2023. ISOC AM GA
Agenda: Approval of ISOC AM 2022 activity and property use report.
The reports were approved.

3 March 2023. IDN UA day initiative group call
Participants: Mikhail Anisimov, Maria Kolesnikova, Igor Mkrtumyan, Anna Karakhanyan, Kristina Hakobyan, Katarina Gevorgyan, Narine Derdzakyan, Vesmira Harutyunyan. During the call
the agendawas corrected, updates of the website uaday.am were proposed, UA day funding contract was finalized

2 March 2023. ISOC AM Board meeting
Agenda: termination of membership of those who didn’t pay the 2023 membership fee. Four members membership was terminated.

23 Februaray 2023. ISOC AM Board meeting.
ISOC AM Board meeting took place with the agenda:
1. Admission of new members
2. Termination of some ISOC AM management previous decisions
3. Approval of ISOC AM 2022 activity and property use report
4. Setting the date of ISOC AM general assembly
5. Addition to a decision on formation of the “Rapid response task force”
6. Approval of the “Rapid response task force”working order

18 January 2023, ccNSO online.
ISOC AM members took part in the ccNSO Council organized the Universal Acceptance Workshop to discuss the suggestions regarding what the ccNSO should do or should not do with respect to Universal Acceptance.
During the workshop, it was explored the expectations by the ccTLD community regarding potential ccNSO action on Universal Acceptance, and how to organize next efforts. Following conclusion of the workshop, the ccNSO Council developed a plan which was presented to the ccTLD community at the ICANN76 Community Forum in Cancun (MX), held 11-16 March 2023.

23 December 2022. ISOC AM
ISOC AM Board meeting. 2023 budget approval.
1.ISOC AM2023 budget approval.
2. Newapproach to formation of Rapid Response Working Group.

19 December 2022.ISOC AM.
Letter to HTI ministry on Starlink radiofrequencies is sent.

15 December 2022.ISOC AM.
Response Letter on Starlink radiofrequencies from the Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC) received.

13 December 2022.ISOC AM.
Several free of charge domains were registered.

21 November 2022. Tbilisi, Georgia. GeoIGF
ISOC AM leaders took part in the Georgian IGF2022.
Kristina Hakobyan reported on the activity of ISOC AM NGO and the advance of .հայ domain.

15 November 2022.
Letter to Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC)on Starlink radiofrequencies is sent.

15 November 2022. Yerevan, Armenia.
ISOC AM NGO had a meeting on UA day preparation. The activity plan for UA day was drafted.
10 November 2022Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM NGO together with ISOC Armenia Chapter organized the 7th Armenian IGF. Issues related to Internet governance were discussed, information andbest practice were presented.DankoJevtović (ICANN, Board Vice-Chair), Anja Gengo (Internet Governance and policy advisor at the IGF secretariat) and Dan York (Internet Society, “Low Earth Orbit satellite” Project leader) took part in the forum online.

ISOC Armenia chapter together with the Armenian Internet Registry organized the Yerevan Remote Hub of the IGF2022World Conference on Internet Governance. The Remote Hub connected local participants to several agenda sessions within the framework of the IGF2022. The following topics were discussed:
1. Online Misinformation
2. Fragmentation of the Internet
3. Online fight against the creators and spreaders of fakes

9 October 2022. Yerevan, Armenia.
ISOC Armenia chapter submitted the report on the 6th edition of Armenian School on Internet Governance was co-organized by the Internet Society Armenia Chapter and the .am ccTLD Registry. It became a good experience of holding the school in two phases bringing together different stakeholder group representatives across Armenia.

9 November 2022. ccNSO on-line.
ISOC AM NGO took part in the ccNSO Election Board Seat 11 election.

1 November 2022. IANA on-line.
ISOC AM NGO took part in the IANA Annual Engagement Survey 

10 October 2022. ccNSO on-line.
ISOC AM NGO participated in the CENTR DASC survey on DNS abuse.

5 October 2022. ccNSO on-line.
ISOC AM NGO participated in the voting for the adoption of the proposed new ccNSO internal rules.

4 October 2022. ISOC AM NGO.
ISOC AM NGO staff had a meeting on organizing UA day on February 16, 2023.

30 September 2022. TLDCON 2022 on-line.
ISOC AM NGO leaders took part in the15-th international conference for ccTLD registries
and registrars of CIS, Central and Eastern Europe.

21 September 2022. ICANN75 0n-line.
ISOC AM NGO leaders took part in the Celebrating the Multistakeholder Model in the Development of RZ-LGR session at ICANN75. The session celebrated the achievement of participants’ hard work for the past nine years. There was a panel discussion followed by a social networking and a photo session, on site and on zoom. The event was organized both on-site, and virtually.

19-21 September 2022. ICANN75.
ISOC AM NGO Board member Kristina Hakobyan took part in-person in GAC meetings.

17-21 September 2022. ICANN75 on-line.
ISOC AM NGO leaders took part in the ccNSO sessions.

17-21 September 2022. ICANN75 on-line.
ISOC AM NGO leaders took part in the Universal Acceptance sessions.

9 September 2022. UASG on-line.
Armenian Generation Panel approved Armenian script Reference LGR for the second level.

16 June 2022, ccNSO on-line.
ISOC AM leaders took part in theStrategic & Operational Planning Standing Committee (SOPC) Meeting.
ccNSO:  ccTLD Role in DNS Abuse Policies
ccNSO Council Meeting
ICANN74 information repository:  https://community.icann.org/x/mQV1Cw

15 June 2022, ccNSO on-line.
ISOC AM leaders took part in theCustomer Standing Committee Public Meeting.
ccNSO:  Governance Session
Tech Working Group Public Meeting
TLD Ops Standing Committee and Security Subgroup meeting

14 June 2022, ccNSO on-line.

ISOC AM leaders took part in the joint session:  ccNSO and GNSO
Plenary:  Five Year Follow Up to Who Sets ICANN’s Priorities?
ccNSO:  Policy Update
ccPDP3 Review Mechanism Meeting
ccPDP4 IDN Meeting

13 June 2022, ccNSO on-line.

ISOC AM leaders took part in theDNSSEC Security Workshop Tech Day (pt. 1, 2 & 3)

7 June 2022, Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM Board meeting
1. Extension of the term of office of ISOC AM director.
2. Approving of changes in the staff list of the ISOC AM.
3. Approving the membership application of Ms. Bdoyan for joining the ISOC AM

31 May-2 June 2022
ISOC AM leaders took part in the ICANN Prep Week that was held virtually 31 May-2 June 2022.

May 25, 2022. CENTR Leader’s coffee.
ISOC AM leaders took part in theCoffee Chat: what's the splinternet? With the following agenda:
1. CENTR collecting Members’ Financial data (Pierre)
2. IoT collaboration: call to action (Pierre)
3. CENTR members HR survey: should we repeat this exercise annually? (Barbara & Lydia)
4. CENTR staff satisfaction survey: something to make available to all members for benchmarking purposes? (Barbara & Lydia)
5. (Time Allowing) BoD offsite conclusion (Barbara)

24 May 2022.ccTLD News Session: 
ISOC AM leaders took part in the session: “The link between ccTLDs and national CERTs or similar cybersecurity ecosystems”.
Session Chair: Annaliese Williams (.au)
Régis Masse (TLD-OPS Vice Chair)
Calvin Browne (RSP to .za)
Yasuhiro Morishita (.jp)
Luis Carlos Solano (.cr)
Pierre Bonis (.fr)
The cybersecurity session was co-organised by the ccNSO Meetings Programme Committee (MPC) and ccNSO Internet Governance Liaison Committee (IGLC).

19 May 2022, ccNSO on-line. 
ISOC AM leaders took part in thepre-ICANN74 Virtual ccTLD News Sessions. ccTLD News is a global platform for both experienced and new people to meet, share experiences and discuss ccTLD-related aspects.

19 May 2022,ccNSO on-line.
ISOC AM leaders took part in theccNSO Council meeting.ISOC AM leaders virtually participated in the ccNSO Council meeting.

18 May 2022. Meeting with dot.asia.

ISOC AM is a member of DotAsia. ISOC AM leaders had a Zoom meeting with Dot.asia team and the CEO of DOTASIA Edmon Chung to discuss the future of the grant application of the “Smart City” NGO on IoT lab, earlier presented to Dot.asia by Karen Yerznkanyan. Possible ways of active participation of ISOC AM in Dot.asia activity were also discussed.
Dot.asia expressed its interest to connect with ISOC AM to discuss further how we may explore working more closely together, between ISOC AM and DotAsia. 

18 May 2022. CENTR on-Line.
ISOC AM participated in the CENTR survey “Access to non-public registration data”.

14 May 2022. Yerevan, Armenia. Regithon 2022.
The indicators were presented, and the issues of the sphere were discussed in “Regithon 2022” organized annually by the “Internet Technologies Center”. As of May 2022, Registrar organizations operating in Armenia have registered 39,000 domain names in “.am” zone and more than 1,100 domain names in “.հայ” zone. As a commercial and technical operator of .am/․հայ ccTLD Registry, the Internet Technologies Center (ITC) presented the developments in the industry, and the steps taken in terms of Internet and server maintenance to Registrar organizations in Armenia. The agenda of the meeting included the following presentations:
-Anna Karakhanyan. Updates of AMNIC on .am/.հայ registrations
-Igor Mkrtumyan. Governance of Armenian DNS system
-Lianna Galstyan. ISOC AM. Cooperation, membership, events, competitions.
-Vahagn Dallakyan. Arbitration in the domain name area.
-Anna Sargsyan. Technical solutions of Universal Acceptance problems.

4-5 May 2022. ISOC Armenia took part in the Global Digital Development Forum.

29 April 2022. Igor Mkrtumyan had a meeting with Pitinan on Root Zone Label Generation Rules Version 5 (RZ-LGR-5).

21 April 2022. ccNSO on-line. ISOC Armenia took partin the ccNSO meeting.
Members: NomCom/Observers/Liaisons/Regional Organizations
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson,

Agenda:  Agenda ccNSO Council 182 - 21 April 2022 version 2.pdf

-item 10 meeting 182 Roles and responsibilities ccNSO Council .xlsx - Sheet1 (1).pdf
-Item 12 meeting 182 Letter - deferral 3rd Organizational review ccNSO.pdf
-Item 13 meeting 182 Votereport_InternalRules_13April2022v3[1].pdf
-Item 14 meeting 182 - impact Bylaw change.pdf
-Item 15 a meeting 182 2022-02 Strategy-on-a-page - Purpose and Goals - draft for Council.pdf
-Item 16 meeting 182 Overview Charter Reviews .pdf

20 April 2022. ccNSO on-line. ISOC Armenia took part in th eccNSO DNS Abuse Standing Committee (DASC) meeting.
DASC Webinar (1) | Wednesday, 20 April 2022 (7 UTC)
DASC Webinar (2) | Wednesday, 20 April 2022 (16 UTC)

6-8 April 2022.RIGF on-line. ISOC Armenia took part in the RIGF 2022 meeting.

16 March 2022. CENTR on-line. 7th CENTR GA - 2022 CENTR Annual General Meeting.
ISOC Armenia took part in themeeting with agenda:
1. Welcome and introduction, (Barbara Povse, ARNES)
2. Approval of the agenda and minutes GA 66 (V), (Peter Van Roste, CENTR)
3. Organizational session
3.1 Chair& GM update, (Barbara Povse, ARNES & Peter Van Roste, CENTR)
3.2 Financial update & 2021 EOY accounts (WV), (Peter Van Roste, CENTR)
3.3 CENTR position development process review (V), (Peter Van Roste& Polina Malaja, CENTR)
3.4 Updates on membership (.KR, .IR) (WV), (Peter Van Roste, CENTR)
3.5 Overview of CENTR response to DNS abuse study, (Polina Malaja, CENTR)
3.6 Membership of CCTLD RU: Discussion & vote, CENTR Board
3.7 Board elections (3 SEATS) 
3.8 Voting, (Andreia Costa, CENTR)
3.9 Voting results, (Andreia Costa, CENTR)
4. DNS abuse & security
4.1 Lesson learned from the attack on .UA, (Dmitry Kohmanyuk, Hostmaster Ltd)
4.2 CENTR ISAC, (Dirk Jumpertz, EURID & Kristof Tuyteleers, DNS Belgium)
4.3 COMAR project update, (Cristian Hesselman, SIDN Labs & Benoît Ampeau, AFNIC)
4.4 The splintering landscape of DNS abuse initiatives: How to act as a community, (Peter Van Roste, CENTR)

7 to 10 March 2022. ICANN on-line.
ISOC AM Board members participated in the ICANN73 Virtual Community Forum, ccNSO related sessions.

9 March 2022. Yerevan, Armenia. There was anISOC Armenia General Assembly with the agenda
- Discontinuation of members who didn't pay the membeship fee.

4-7 March 2022. Yerevan, Armenia. There was an ISOC Armenia Board meeting  with the agenda
- Discontinuation of members who didn't pay the membeship fee.

3 March 2022, ccTLD on-line. ISOC AM Board members participated in theccTLD News session with the agenda:
-Internet Governance for journalists, Lianna Galstyan (.am)
-KISA's Internet Governance Capacity building program, Boyoung Kim (.kr)
-The .it strategy to digitize italian SMEs, Gino Silvatici (.it)
-Youth-oriented initiatives in .RU/.РФ, Andrey Aleinikov (.ru)
-Training of the technical community in Brazil by NIC.br, Antonio Moreiras (.br)

2 March 2022, ccTLD on-line. ISOC AM Board members participated in theccTLD News session with the agenda:
-A Hebrew IDN ccTLD for Israel, Yoram Hacohen (.il and .ישראל.)
-Accountable WHOIS in the usTLD Namespace, Crystal Peterson (.us)
-The journey to the launch of .bh, Sami Mohamed Ali (.bh)
-Building a vibrant .za namespace, MoleheWesi (.za)
-ccTLD reform and results, Sophie Khidasheli (.ge)

22 February 2022. ICANN 73 on-line. ISOC Board members participated in the IDN Update session,
provided an update on the work on Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) being carried out at ICANN, including updates by the community on the development of Root Zone Label Generation Rules (RZ-LGR).
Session Leader: Sarmad Hussain
Staff Facilitator: Pitinan Kooarmornpatana

17 February 2022.Yerevan, Armenia. There was a Board meeting of the Internet Society NGO with the following agenda:
1. Approval of the annual report on the activities and property use
2. Approvalof the 2022 budget
3. Setting the date and time of the General Assembly.

February 3, 2022. Yerevan, Armenia. AMNIC meeting. There was an AMNC meeting. AMNIC head, Igor Mkrtumyan, reported the works done by AMNIC in the last quarter. The following items were reported:
1.Domain name registration
UA program and EAI support in national domains
Problem of phishing sites
Domain names having national values
Premium domains
2.DNS server renovation
Participation in the ICANN ITHI program
Renovation of the second instance of DNS server
3.AMNIC public activity
Participation in the CENTR surveys

Participation in the CENTR and ccNSO meetings

January 28, 2022.  CENTR on-line. CENTR Leaders' Coffee. Igor Mkrtumyan took part in the
CENTR Leaders’ Coffee meeting with the following agenda: 
- COVID and return to the office (David F)
- ISS’s plans for the new normal (Carl)
- How to deal with Copyright complaints – a rapidly growing problem? (Jens)
- Shaping the November Leaders’ meeting (Peter)
- Launch of CEO survey (Peter)

December 15, 2021. ICANN on-line. ISOC AM board members took part in the joint online Universal Acceptance Workshop hosted by ICANN and the APTLD. During the workshop, Sarmad Hussain, ICANN's Senior Director IDN and UA Programs, and Leonid Todorov, General Manager of APTLD, presented a new collaborative work entitled “The Role of ccTLDs in Achieving Universal Acceptance”. The document itself is published here. Then Sarmad delivered the training for ccTLD registries on the principles of UA.
Workshop recording can be found here.

December 2, 2021. International conference on cybersecurity (CyberCrimeCon)
-Mission and basic principles of Group-IB, Dmitry Volkov, CEO, Group-IB
-Hi-Tech crime trends 2021-2022, Dmitry Volkov, CEO, Group-IB
-Zero trust, why trust! Craig Jones, Cyber ​​Crime Investigation Director, Interpol
-Carding Action. Joint Operation to Combat Online Fraud, Jorge RosalCosano, Head of AP Terminal, European Cybercrime Center (EC3), Europol
Section 1. Cybercriminal groups
Section 2. Espionage and vulnerabilities
-Social media analysis to study the business of ransomware operators, Information Security Analyst, Santander Group
-EvilCorp: Investigation Results, Antonio Pirozzi, Cyber ​​Threat Intelligence Team Leader, SentinelOne
The Rise and Fall of The Fraud Family, Anton Ushakov, Deputy Head of High-Tech Crime Investigation Department, Group-IB
-Roberto Martinez, Senior Analyst, Cyber ​​Intelligence Department, Group-IB
Uninvited guests: who is selling access to your network, Dmitry Shestakov, Head of Cybercrime Research, Group-IB
-Still Cyber ​​Threat # 1: How Ransomware Attacks Have Changed, Oleg Skulkin, Head of the Computer Forensics and Malicious Code Research Laboratory, Group-IB
-Eliminate One, Eliminate All: Neutralizing a Notable Bank Fraud Syndicate,Olakanmi Oluwole, Cyber ​​Intelligence Manager, CyberSOC Africa
Conference recording can be found here.

29 November 2021. CENTR on-line.ISOC AM board members took part in the 6th Online CENTR Academy. The purpose of the Academy was for new staff members and colleagues to discover what CENTR is, who works at the CENTR Secretariat in Brussels, and how we can help you.
CENTR presentedits mission, structure, and the work itdoes, notably in terms of the resources they offer (newsletters, statistics, and more) and how they support member activities (working groups, collaboration, mailing lists, etc.). It was an opportunity for ccTLD staff to get a detailed overview of the CENTR community, how the working groups work and how to get involved.
1. Introduction, Peter Van Roste presented structure and mission, what CENTR do and ecosystem.
2. Interacting in the CENTR community, Andreia Costa gave an overview of who she is, the Working Groups, events and mailing lists.
3. Introduction to the CENTR Goldmine, Lydia Stoddart. Lydia introduced herself to participants, then presented elements of the CENTR goldmine, namely newsletters, publications, and website.
4. Introduction to CENTRstats, Patrick Myles. Patrick introduced himself to participants, explaining who he is and his role within CENTR. He then presented the CENTRstats platform, highlighting some of the main dashboards.
5. EU Policy, Polina Malaja and Louise Blandin. Polina introduced herself, what she does at CENTR and a high-level overview of the top EU Policy files she is following.
6. Introduction to Surveys, Patrick Myles. Patrick gave participants an overview of the survey ‘service’.

7. Speed-networking. Participants were matched with other members who do similar jobs or CENTR staff and encouraged to talk about their roles and what they have learnt today.

28 October 2021. Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM Board members took part in the “Digital transformation: In touch with tomorrow” conference, which included the following topics: Technologies to bridge digital divide, Broadband Development in Armenia, Connecting the unconnected: bridging digital divide, Community Networks, Digital skills development as a driver of connectivity demand creation, Government approach to digital skills development.

25-28 October 2021. ICANN on-line. ISOC AM Board members took part in the ICANN72 Virtual AGM. Public schedule has been published:  https://72.schedule.icann.org/
Monday 25 October 2021

Tech Day Part 1, 2 and 3

Tuesday, 26 October 2021
Q&A Council Candidates

ccNSO Governance Session on Rules
SOPC and ICANN Planning
ICANN Org Executive Q&A 
Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Plenary Session:”:  How to Design Inclusive, Equitable Hybrid ICANN Meetings 
DNSSEC Workshop
MM:  DNS Abuse, part 1&2
Thursday, 28 October 2021
ccNSO Joint session with ICANN Board

ccNSO Council Meeting
TLD Ops Public Session
ICANN Public Forum
ICANN Board Meeting (AGM) 

15 October 2021. SEEDIG on-line. ISOC AM Board members took part in the SEEDIG 7 Series.
SEE Brain Netting: How to Build More Inclusive and Efficient Internet Governance?

14 October 2021. ICANN on-line.ISOC AM Board members took part in theRZ-LGR session during the ICANN 72 Prep Week.

8 October 2021. Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM together with ISOC Armenia Chapter organized the 6th Armenian IGF.

7- 8 October 2021. CENTR on-line. ISOC AM Board members took part in the 53rd CENTR Administrative workshop
Day 1 Welcome and Introductions
Tour de Table
Brainstorm on topics for joint admin-marketing sessions

Day 2

vChecked Update (Sascha Kämpf, .de)
Objective and Key Results (OKR), (Peter Biro, .sk)
Short update on the impact of Brexit on .eu, (Thomas Tammegger,.eu)
Hands-on PESTL and SWOT analysis, (Peter Van Roste, CENTR)
The goal of this session was to run a short PESTL and SWOT analysis and see if this can help the Admin (and other) WGs.
Discussion about registrar business model classifications
- Do you classify your registrars?
If yes: What are your experiences? If not: Is there a specific reason for not classifying them?
- What are your best practices to keep the data up to date?
Vice Chair Elections

7 October 2021. ccTLD on-line.
ISOC AM Board members took part in the ccTLD News Session #2. 
Internet governance: What are the hot topics and trends across the various regions? How do they impact ccTLDs?  Participate in the second ccTLD News Session and find out. 
This session was jointly organized by the ccNSO Meetings Programme Committee (MPC) and the ccNSO Internet Governance Liaison Committee (IGLC).                         
 Annaliese Williams (.au), Session Chair
PART 1: Internet Governance
· Mandy Carver (ICANN org)
· Mary Uduma (African IGF)
· Jordan Carter (.nz)
PART 2: Internet Governance
· Peter Koch (.de)
· Oscar Robles (LACNIC)
· Byron Holland (.ca)

6 October 2021. ccTLD on-line. ISOC AM Board members took part in the ccTLD News Session #1. 
Representatives from ccTLDs across the globe, shared their experiences with marketing, web accessibility, innovation, online content, security and more!
 Guðrun Poulsen (.fo), Session Chair
PART 1: Marketing 
· The .ng promo experience | Edith Udeagu (.ng)
· If I had a million dollars | Dana Ludviga (.lv)
· Promoting .ar web accessibility | Romina Guirardo (.ar)
PART 2: Policy, Operations & Finance
·  Launch of 2nd level registrations in .au | Bruce Tonkin (.au)
·  3 projects to increase domain name stability & security in .RU/.РФ | Irina Danelia (.ru/.РФ)
·  ccTLD voluntary financial contributions | ICANN org Finance

27 Aug, 2021. CENTR on-line. Igor Mkrtumyan took part in the Leaders’ Coffee meeting with the agenda:
- COVID and return to the office (David F)
- ISS’s plans for the new normal (Carl)
- How to deal with Copyright complaints – a rapidly growing problem? (Jens)
- Shaping the November Leaders’ meeting (Peter)
- Launch of CEO survey (Peter)

26 Aug 2021. Igor Mkrtumyan had a Zoom meeting with Karlee Garica(Account Manager, minim.com, Karlee@minim.com) on network equipment.

19 August, 2021. Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM Board meeting devoted to the participation of the Ministry of High-Tech Industry representative in the ISOC AM NGO Board meetings with the status of an adviser.

11 August, 2021. Yerevan, Armenia. RUEA general assembly. ISOC AM NGO four members took part in the RUEA assembly.

28 July, 2021. ITU on-line. AMNIC members took part in the ITU Virtual session on“New IP, Shaping Future Network”. 

23 July, 2021. Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM Board meeting.
The following issues are included in the draft agenda of the meeting:
1 Admission of HrachyaYezdoghlyan to the "Internet Society" NGO.
2 Internet Society NGO Board position on issues raised by the RA Ministry of High Techn Industry.

25 June, 2021.CENTR Online. AMNIC members took part in the CENTR Leaders' Coffee meeting.

June 10, 2021. Yerevan, Armenia. Regithon 2021
Armenia registrars meeting (Regithon) took place, where the Registrars’ representatives were informed about the "հայ"-Net contest, organized within the framework of the events on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the IDN ".հայ" domain as well as about the details of the contest specifically for Registrars.

June 10, 2021. Yerevan, Armenia. Round Table Discussion on the development of "․հայ” IDN TLD.
Within the framework of the 5th anniversary of "․հայ" ccTLD the "Internet Society" NGO organized a Round Table Discussion with representatives of all stakeholder groups.

9 June 2021. ccTLD on-line. AMNIC memberstook part in the ccTLD Community Webinar for Newcomers where the ccNSO Council Chair helpedparticipants to gain an understanding of the work of the ccNSO, what to expect from the ccNSO at the Virtual ICANN71 Policy Forum, as well as how ccTLD community representatives can participate in the important work that affects participants and their region.

7-8 June, 2021. ENOG 18. ISOC AM NGO Board members took part in the ENOG 18 Meeting. The plan and agenda can be found here:

1-3 June, 2021. CENTR Online. CENTR Members' Days | meeting
Day 1. Poster Session: project progressions and plans for Sustainability and Web Crawling, sharing ideas for collaboration on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and cybersecurity (3SG).
3SG: a fresh take. Presentation.
Signs of Life Crawler: ask your questions to project lead Patrick Myles.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): engage with Peter van Roste on future opportunities for deepened CENTR efforts.
Day 2. Pros and Cons of free publication of the zone file
During the last few years, several European ccTLDs have decided to make the zonefile of the TLD freely available. The first ccTLD was .SE with .NU (2016), followed by .EE (2019) and .CH (2021). This immediately raises the question - should all follow? While it is tempting to call this “a trend”, there are certainly reasons why other TLDs do not plan to follow. The session aimed to collect and discuss all pros and cons of this decision with the aim to help those ccTLDs that are in doubt whether to follow or not.
Legal compliance: How to prepare for security compliance and what are you doing locally?
During the session the existing practices were studied to respond to regulatory obligations across CENTR members, in light of the EU GDPR, NIS Directive, the EU CSA and their national counterparts, to share experiences and outline areas for potential further collaboration amongst CENTR members.
Meetings with Registrars: tips and tricks for meetings during and post-pandemic
In the session „meetings with registars“ were explored.Different registries presented their best practices in terms of formats before and during the pandemic, content covered, and lessons learned.
Day 3 – Registrar Day (open meeting)

Speed-networking session
Supply chain security & marketing – more security & still being friends
As you are probably aware, most attacks on domains today take place via registrars, often by manipulating technical controls or by simply bypassing them via some form of manual social engineering. The purpose of the workshop was primarily to inventory and discuss the risks we see today and depending on the result of this discussion reason about what measures Registry Services can take and what activities we can otherwise have to minimize the registrars' risks and better protect our common customers. What activities and measures could improve the trust between registries - registrars - registrants?
What business intelligence do registrars need from registries?
Data is the new oil. ccTLD registries collect different types of data on the use of domain names in their country.
How can registry data be activated for registrars? What kinds of analyses are the most useful? What are the pitfalls and obstacles?

31 May 2021.CENTR on-line. CENTR Academy
The purpose of the Academy is for (new) staff members and colleagues to discover what CENTR is, who works at the CENTR Secretariat in Brussels, and how CENTRcan help registries.
During the session the CENTR missionwas presented, structure and the work CENTR do, notably in terms of the resources it offers (newsletters, statistics, and more) and how CENTR support member activities (working groups, collaboration, mailing lists, etc.). It is an opportunity for the Registry staff to get a detailed overview of the CENTR community, how the working groups work and how to get involved.

12 May 2021.Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM NGO Board meeting aimed to develop a proposal to the High Tech Industry. The following question were proposed for discussion:
1. Armenian domain promotion: promotion of Armenian domain registration of RA departments
2. Organizing a round table within the framework of the events dedicated to the 5th anniversary of the Armenian domain
3. Assistance in solving technical problems of the Armenian domain
4. Creation of website templates for promotion Armenian domains under the domain name.
5. Implementation of the Universal Aceptance program in the Armenian domain
6. Make the registration of .հայ/.am domain names a mandatory condition during the state registration of legal entities.

6 May 2021. CENTR on-line. ISOC AM NGO Board members took part inthe CENTR Administrative and Marketing Working Groups webinar on IDNs with the agenda:
1. Statistical overview
1.1. CENTR IDN survey results and IDN stats (Patrick Myles, CENTR)
1.2. IDN World Report Highlights 2020 (Giovanni Seppia, .eu)
2. IDN marketing hits and misses, led by Dana Ludviga, .lv
3. Panel discussion
3.1. .cz survey results on IDN implementation, risks and challenges (Jaromir Talir, .cz)
3.2. How to influence and stimulate registrars to sell more IDNs? How can we make IDNs a success story? (Sascha Kämpf, .de)
4. Conclusions & closing remarks, Maria Kolesnikova, .ru

May 5, 2021. Yerevan, Armenia. 5th anniversary of "․հայ" domain.
"Internet Society" NGO celebrated the 5th anniversary of "․հայ" IDN ccTLD. A press conference was convened on that occasion, where Lianna Galstyan, in her role as the External Relations Manager of "Internet Society" NGO presented the programs to be implemented.

23 April 2021.CENTR on-line. ISOC AM NGO board members took part in the CENTR organised workshop on Hardenize, a tool to measure the security posture and to improve it.
you need to improve it and how.The target group was 'new' users. For those who have not yet used Hardenize a lot, it was an introductory session that is suitable for new teams. Hardenize is capable of more than people probably know and use. It lets learn more about what functions are available and how to get the best use of them.

22 April 2021.CENTR on-line. ISOC AM NGO board members took part in the third CENTR Leaders’ Coffee meeting.

April 22, 2021. Yerevan, Armenia. Girls in ICT 2021.
The International “Girls in ICT” Day was celebrated under the slogan “Connected Girls, Creating Brighter Futures”.

This year the International “Girls in ICT” Day was celebrated under the slogan “Connected Girls, Creating Brighter Futures”. 

21 April 2021. Yerevan, Armenia. There was an ISOC AM NGO special group meeting devoted to the advancement of the Armenian IDN domain. The following 3 directions were formed during the discussions ․
-  In collaboration with Tumo, organize a social advertising contest among students, where Armenian content will be used և its use by Armenians. (Responsible: Anna Karakhanyan)
- Collaborating with Wikimedia Armenia, organize a contest in which participants will prepare / edit materials on Armenia, Armenian historical and cultural heritage in Armenian. (Responsible: Lianna Galstyan)
- Conduct a competition for the best Armenian websites with different criteria, based on the decision of a committee consisting of the best specialists in the field. (Responsible: Christina Hakobyan)
- All this will start on May 5, presenting the purpose of the events, all the conditions during the press conference, the latter to organize with the Ministry of BTA. (Responsible: VahanHovsepyan)
It is proposed to summarize the results of all competitions and award prizes during ArmIGF (presumably in October).

20 April 2021. ICANN on-line. ISOC AM NGO board members took part in the webinar summarizing ICANN 70 Virtual Community Forum. Themainspeakersand themes oftheForumwere:
- Mikhail Anisimov, ICANN. Opening and opening remarks.
- Irina Danelia, Coordination Center for .RU / .РФ Domains. News from ccNSO, a supporting organization on the work of country top-level domains.
- Maxim Alzoba, FAITID. GNSO News, Ongoing Work, and New gTLD Second Window Plans
- Christina Hakobyan, ISOC.AM. GAC news, government advisory committee.
- Maria Kolesnikova, Coordination Center for .RU / .РФ domains. Universal Acceptance News, UASG Outcomes and Work Plans
- Artyom Gavrichenkov, Servers.com News from ISPCP's carrier division, as well as a summary from the main ICANN 70 technical sessions.
- Natalia Filina, EURALO. At-Large Community News

14 April 2021. Yerevan, Armenia. There was an ISOC AM NGO Board meeting with the following agenda: 
Introducing "Hate speech regulation in Armenia” in the Armenian Internet domains.   

5-7 April 2021. Middle East DNS Forum 2021. ISOC AM NGO board members took part in the7th edition of the Middle East DNS Forum. The forum covered the latest Domain Name System (DNS) related topics.

6 April 2021. Yerevan, Armenia. There was an ISOC AM NGO Board meeting.

1 April 2021. APTLD on-line. Igor Mkrtumyan took part in the APTLD WGSS meeting.

22-25 March 2021. ICANN on-line. ISOC AM NGO board members took part in the ICANN70 meetings.

March 18, 2021. Yerevan, Armenia. The meeting of the newly elected council of the ISOC AM NGO took place with the following agenda:
- Election of the chairman of the board
- Election of vice-chairmen of the board.
Igor Mkrtumyan, a member of the organization's board, was elected a chairman of the ISOC AM NGO board.
Albert Toneyan, Grigory Saghyan, Lianna Galstyan, Vahan Hovsepyan were elected vice-chairmen of the board of the ISOC AM NGO.

15 March 2021. ICANN on-line. ISOC AM NGO board members took part in the ICANN Open Data platform.

March 10-11, 2021. ccTLD-online. There were ccTLD News Sessions 1-2. AMNIC members, Igor Mkrtumyan and Anna Karakhanyan, took part in them.

March 10, 2021. Yerevan, Armenia. There was an ISOC AM հայ domain promotion group meeting.

5 March 2021. CENTR on-line. ISOC AM NGO board members took part in the CENTR Annual General Assembly.

March 5, 2021. Yerevan, Armenia. A working meeting of ISOC AM members with the candidates of the Board Auditing Committee took place, during which members had the opportunity to address their questions to the nominated candidates. Brief biographies of the candidates and their visions were posted on elections2021.isoc.am web page.

March 2, 2021. Yerevan, Armenia. There was an ISOC AM NGO Board meeting with the following agenda: Expelling a number of members from the Internet Society NGO for not paying the annual membership fee.

February 26, 2021.AMNIC administrator, Anna Karakhanyan, took part in the ICANN and European Commission organized interactive webinar on its recent initiatives, including:
- The Digital Services Act (DSA)
- The EU Cybersecurity Policy Initiatives:
- The Cybersecurity Strategy
- The revised Network and Information Security Directive (NIS2)
During the webinar the European Commission provided an overview of the recently announced initiatives, focusing on the areas of relevance to the DNS and the broader ICANN community, and answered questions on these important initiatives and their possible impacts.

February 25, 2021. CENTR online. ISOC AM Board members, I.Mkrtumyan and A.Karakhanyan, took part in the CENTR 44th Technical workshop.

February 24, 2021. CENTR online. AMNIC took part in the CENTR’s “Registry/Registrar communication channels” survey.

February 19, 2021. Yerevan, Armenia. There was an ISOC AM NGO Board meeting with the following agenda:
On calling the ISOC AM general meeting on March 10, 2021, for election of a new board. The proposal was unanimously accepted, and a decision was made to conduct it on-line. Voting will be organized with the “Electionbuddy” electronic voting system.

February 18, 2021. CENTR online. ISOC AM Board members, I.Mkrtumyan and A.Karakhanyan, took part in the CENTR 52nd Administrative workshop. Anna reported the latest news of the Armenia Registry.

February 12, 2021. RIPE and ICANN, online. ISOC AM members participated in the Internet Measurement Day webinar organized by RIPE, ICANN, and Union of Operators ofArmenia.

February 10, 2021. Yerevan, Armenia. There was an ISOC AM NGO Board meeting with the following agenda:
On approving the form of the annual report on the activities of the ISOC AM.

February 1, 2021. Yerevan, Armenia. Registrar  Monitoring Group meeting took place with the following agenda:
Opening by some Registrars new registrar companies with similar names (continuation of 25.01.21 sitting).

28 January 2021. ccNSO on-line. ISOC AM NGO board members took part in the Special Edition Community Event: Action Plan 2021.

January 27, 2021. ccNSO, online. ISOC AM Board members, Anna Karakhanyan and Lianna Galstyan, took part in the ccNSO Internet Governance Liaison Committee (IGLC) webinar.

26 January 2021. Yerevan, Armenia. There was a Registrar monitoring group meetingat the ISOC AM NGO.

26 January 2021. ccNSO on-line. ISOC AM NGO board members took part in the IGLC (ccNSO Internet Governance Liaison Committee) webinar.

26 January 2021. ccNSO on-line. ISOC AM NGO board members took part in the webinar devoted to the Cybersecurity East Project.
The webinar is intended to focus on the following aspects of cybersecurity:
- Understand risks that individuals are exposed to in cyberspace, including social media, e-mail, and web and how ignorance or simple carelessness can bring problems not only for an individual user but also to their organization or to the entire country;
- The key concepts of social engineering and how they have been used successfully;
- Review/comparison of the Lockheed-Martin kill-chain and the social engineering attack lifecycle;
- The main attack vectors used as part of a social engineering-based attack;
- How elicitation is used by social engineers to gain information from targets;
- How to defend against social engineering engagements carried out against their organization;
- Understand the importance of processes guaranteeing cyber security in organization;
- What are the steps to improve technological literacy at the individual level and avoid risks by personal behavior;
- How to obey existing best practice and cyber security advice, such as the use of strong password, regular updates etc.
- The ways in which COVID-19 pandemic affected the balance and status quo regarding the subject matter.

20 January 2021. ccNSO on-line. ISOC AM NGO board members took part in the webinar targeted at potential MPC members and those want to learn more about the work of the MPC.

20 January 2021. Yerevan, Armenia. There was a Registrar monitoring group meetingat the ISOC AM NGO.

January 18, 2021. Yerevan, Armenia. There was an ISOC AM NGO Board meeting with the following agenda:
Expulsion of a number of ISOC AM members from the organization for non-payment of the annual membership fee.

December 25, 2020. Yerevan, Armenia.ISOC AM Council meeting took place with the following agenda:
- On approving the 2021 expenditure budget of "Internet Society" NGO.
- On approving the staff list of "Internet Society" NGO for 2021.
- Other work issues.
As a result of the voting the 2021 expenditure budget and the staff list were approved.
Other work issues included the discussion of Registrar Accreditation and Monitoring WG decisions on the automation of registration process and change the acceptance from pre-check validation to a post check.

December 24, 2020. Yerevan, Armenia.There was a meeting of Registrar Accreditation and Monitoring” working group discussing the loss of a domain name because of late payment for the renewal after 45 days. It was decided to start preparation for the change the acceptance from pre-check validation to a post check that would exclude unexpected loss of domains. It was decided to start preparations for the automated registration of domain names with a post-check validation of registration data.

December 23, 2020. Yerevan, Armenia.There was a Regithon preparatory meeting of the Registry with registrars. Anna Karakhanyan made a presentation on registration rate during COVID and Nagorno-Karabakh war. Registrars raised questions on registrars’ API, renewal rate and registration automation.

December 10, 2020. RIPE NCC. ISOC AM members, Vahan Hovsepyan and Igor Mkrtumyan, took part in the “RIPE NCC Open House: Internet in Georgia” webinar.

December 9, 2020. ASEAN. ISOC AMboard members, I. Mkrtumyan and G.Saghyan took part in the “Online Strategic workshop and guidelines to promote the use of IDN and IDN ccTLDs among ASEAN Community”. G. Saghyan made a report “Guidelines to promote the use of IDN and IDN ccTLDs among ASEAN Community.

December 7-10, 2020. IICC, India. ISOC AM Chair of the Board I. Mkrtumyan participated in the "Connections-2020 - A post-IETF Forum".

November 25, 2020. ISOC AM Chair of the Board Igor Mkrtumyan participated in the IGF 2020 Open Mic and Feedback Session.

November 20, 2020. ISOC AM Board members Igor Mkrtumyan, and Anna Karakhanyan participated in the ICANN69 EURALO & ISOC UK Read-Out session, providing condensed review of the ICANN69.

November 18-19, 2020. eeDNS. ISOC AM Board members Igor Mkrtumyan, Grigori Sagyan, Anna Karakhanyan,and Katarina Gevorgyan participated in the EEDNS Forum.

November 19, 2020. CENTR. ISOC AM Board members Igor Mkrtumyan, Anna Karakhanyan, and Kristina Hakobyan participated in the Joint Administrative and Marketing webinar: Business Intelligence for Registrars.

November 2-19, 2020. IntGovforum 2020. ISOC AM Board members Igor Mkrtumyan, Lianna Galstyan, Anna Karakhanyan,and Katarina Gevorgyan participated in the IntGovforum2020.

November 9-13, 2020. ENOG17, AMNIC staff members, Igor Mkrtumyan and Misak Khachatryan took part in the ENOG17 conference.

November 9-16, 2020. IGF, AMNIC staff members, Igor Mkrtumyan and Anna Karakhanyan took part in the
IGF 2020 conference.

November 3, 2020. Yerevan, Armenia.  ISOC AM Council members Igor Mkrtumyan and Lianna Galstyan participated in the Internet Governance Forum 2020.

October 29, 2020. Yerevan, Armenia.  ISOC AM NGO Council meeting took place with the following agenda:

  1. Choice of domain name dispute arbitration court.
  2. Setting the amount of help for Armenia Foundation.
  3. Confirmation of expenses for the country DNS servers update.

October 20, 2020. EurID. ISOC AM Council members Igor Mkrtumyan and Anna Karakhanyan took part in virtual ccNSO Dance Party.  The video of the event can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsv70hnBEuU

14-17 September 2020. Yerevan, Armenia.
The 4-day free course of the 4th edition of ArmSIG - the Armenian School on Internet Governance took place.

September 30, 2020. Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM NGO in cooperation with ISOC Armenia Chapter organized the 2020 Armenian School on Internet Governance. Financial support of the project was provided by a grant of Internet Society and donation of ISOC AM NGO.

September 29, 2020. Yerevan, Armenia. An extraordinary general meeting of ISOC AM NGO took place, which was held in remote mode. The agenda of the meeting included the following issue:
About joining the "Union of Operators of Armenia" NGO. As a result of the voting, it was approved to join the "Union of Operators of Armenia" NGO.

September 23, 2020. ccNSO. AMNIC staff members took part in the ccTLD Community pre-ICANN69 webinar, organized by the ccNSO.

September 18, 2020. Yerevan, Armenia. A meeting of the ISOC AM Council was held with the following agenda:
1. On defining the procedure for holding meetings of the board of the "Internet Society" NGO.
2. On approving the order of document circulation of "Internet Technologies Center" LLC.
3. Approving the recommendations of the Technical Working Group.

September 11, 2020. Yerevan, Armenia. A meeting of the ISOC AM Working Group was held with the following agenda:
- On developing proposals on technical issues.
The working group made recommendations on the choice of DNS servers, as well as the use of EPP and RDAP protocols.

September 7-8, 2020. TLDCON - 2020, AMNIC administrator, Anna Karakhanyan, took part in the 13-th International conference for ccTLD registries and registrars of CIS, Central and Eastern Europe and made a report.

August 26, 2020. 26th anniversary of .am domain. It was marked by interviews of Dar21 TV with leaders of ISOC AM NGO, director, Andranik Aleksanyan, Chair of the Board, Igor Mkrtumyan, external relations manager Lianna Galstyan, director of ITC administration, Kristina Hakobyan. The interviews were broadcasted by Dar21 TV.

August 20, 2020. CENTR. AMNIC took part in the CENTR survey on “Termination of registrar accreditation”.

August 18, 2020. CENTR. AMNIC took part in the CENTR survey on “Access to List of Domain Names and related Registration Information”. A summary report is available on: https://www.centr.org/members-library/library/survey-report/survey-2020-access-to-list-of-domain-names-and-related-registration-information.html

August 12, 2020. CENTR. AMNIC took part in the CENTR survey on “Domain contact management”.

August 5, 2020. Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM members, Igor Mkrtumyan, Lianna Galstyan, Anna Karakhanyan, Katarina Gevorgyan, Susan Marukhyan, Kristina Hakobyan took part in the ICANN68 Virtual Eastern Europe and Central Asia Readout Session devoted to the results on the Virtual Policy Forum of the ICANN 68 conference. The speakers reported about the main results of the conference and ICANN future plans.

August 4, 2020. Yerevan, Armenia. A meeting of the ISOC AM Council was held with the following agenda:
- On defining the amount of the annual membership fee, the terms of paying the membership fee, the procedure for organizing its collection.

August 1, 2020. Yerevan, Armenia. General Assembly of the ISOC AM NGO took place, where new bylaws were adopted. The main novelty was that legal entities can now become members of the organization. Also, the position of the President was replaced by the Chair of the Board elected by the Board from Board members.

July 30, 2020. Yerevan, Armenia. Meeting with registrars on juridical problems.

July 22-24, 2020. IGF USA on-line. AMNIC administrator, Anna Karakhanyan, took part in the Internet Governance Forum.

July 20, 2020. CENTR. AMNIC took part in the CENTR survey on “Access to List of Domain Names and related Registration Information”.

July 7, 2020. CENTR on-line.AMNIC administrator, Anna Karakhanyan, took part in the “CENTR 2021 strategic planning” webinar. 

July 7, 2020. RIF on-line. AMNIC administrator, Anna Karakhanyan, took part in the webinar “How did the Internet survived the quarantine? “.

July 6, 2020. CENTR. AMNIC took part in the CENTR survey on “Registry domain contact management”.

June 25, 2020. Internet Society. AMNIC administrator Anna Karakhanyan took part in a webinar"How IXPs are supporting the Internet during COVID-19"(https://www.internetsociety.org/issues/ixps/).

June 25, 2020. AMNIC administrator, Anna Karakhanyan, took part in the “COVID-19 Impact on IXP operations in NPIX” webinar.

June 24, 2020. AMNIC administrator, Anna Karakhanyan, took part in the “How IXPs are supporting the Internet during COVID-19” webinar.  

June 24, 2020. AMNIC administrator, Anna Karakhanyan, took part in the “RPKI Development in South Asia” webinar.

June 24, 2020. Yerevan, Armenia. The “Registrar accreditation and Monitoring WG” meeting took place on Zoom platform.

June 23, 2020. ccNSO on-line. AMNIC administrator, Anna Karakhanyan, took part in the ccNSO Cocktail on Tuesday. 

June 16, 2020.ICANN on-line. AMNIC administrator, Anna Karakhanyan, took part in the “UA: How It Impacts End-Users, Language Communities and ICANN At-Large - ICANN68” session.

June 15, 2020. Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM NGO Council meeting took place with the following agenda:
1. Prolongation of credentials of the Executive Director Andranik Aleksanyan because of the expiration of the contract.
2. Setting the date of the General Assembly for the adoption new bylaws.
3. Organize the final on-line discussion of new bylaws.  

June 12, 2020. EuroDIG on-line. AMNIC administrator, Anna Karakhanyan, took part in the EuroDIG on-line.

June 11, 2020. Yerevan, Armenia. Meeting with registrars on technical problems. What is DNSSEC?

June 11, 2020. Yerevan. "Regithon" technical meeting. In the frameworks of “Regithon” the annual meeting of .am/.հայ registrars, “Internet Technology Center” LLC organized a technical meeting, which took place remotely on June 11, 2020. Internet Society NGO Board Members Anna Karakhanyan, Aram Verdyan, Grigori Saghyan, Igor Mkrtumyan, Kristina Hakobyan, Lianna Galstyan, Misak Khachatryan took part in the technical meeting. The meeting discussed the following topics: "Internet Society’s advices for Hosting Companies" (speaker: Igor Mkrtumyan), "What is DNSSEC, What are its advantages?" (speaker: Anna Karakhanyan), "Universal Acceptance" (speaker: Grigori Saghyan). The meeting also tackled the questions raised by the registrar companies. The registrants participating. The registrars participating in the meeting: ABCDomain LLC, ARMINCO-NK LLC, Arpinet LLC, Ayb Solutions LLC, Betanet LLC, Corpohost Group LLC, Dolphin Ltd, Global AM LLC, GlobalAR LLC, HOSTERGIGANT LLC, ITSecurity LLC, NAME LLC, ROYAL HOLDING LLC, RegNestLLC.We thank all the participating Registrars for their active and effective discussions. In order to achieve greater results in the field, such meetings will be continuous within the framework of the annual "Regithon".

June 10-12, 2020. EuroDIG. ISOC AM NGO members Anna Karakhanyan, Katarina Gevorgyan, Lianna Galstyan, Kristina Hakobyan, Narine Kahachatryan, Grigori Saghyan, and Siranush Vardanyan took part in the EuroDIG European Dialogue on Internet Governance (https://www.eurodig.org/index.php?id=76).

June 9, 2020. ccTLD on-line.  AMNIC administrator, Anna Karakhanyan, took part in the ccTLD Community_webinar.

June 4, 2020. ccTLD on-line. AMNIC administrator, Anna Karakhanyan, took part in the “ccTLD_Delegation and Transfer process” webinar.

June 2, 2020. ccTLD on-line.AMNIC administrator, Anna Karakhanyan, took part in the Virtual ccTLD News Session.

June 2, 2020. APTLDon-line.AMNIC administrator, Anna Karakhanyan, took part in the “The impact of COVID-19 on APTLD members” webinar.

June 2, 2020. ccTLD, on-line.AMNIC administrator, Anna Karakhanyan, took part in the Virtual ccTLD News Session #1 «.am/.հայ activity during the last COVID-19 months».

June 2, 2020. CENTR. AMNIC administrator Anna Karakhanyan took part in the Virtual ccTLD News session and made a presentation.

May 25-27, 2020. CENTR, Jamboree. AMNIC administrator Anna Karakhanyan took part in the CENTR Jamboree round table and made a presentation.

May 16, 2020. Moscow, Russia. ISOC AM NGO members took part in the on-line course devoted to IDN e-mail (EAI) implementation provided by TCI’s expert Mr. Lidin.
The following questions were discussed
- Main aspects of the IDN electronic post
- What is EAI, IDN, and Universal Acceptance
- How to setup Postfix and Courier for EAI
- Technical aspects of the IDN post

Here is the digest of main citations of the speaker:
“Доменная зона отличается от доменного имени - она находится в управлении конкретного оператора доменной зоны.”
“Когда придумали интернет, про интернационализацию никто не думал. Однако с развитием его в мире, возникла потребность в многоязычных доменных именах. Изначально в метках доменных имен допускались только латинские символы от A-Z, 0-9 и “-”.”
“Принципы и правила работы с доменами прописаны в стандарте IDNforApplication. Сейчас актуальная версия стандарта IDNA2008”
“UA- это всеобщее признание и равная поддержка многоязычных идентификаторов, таких как IDN доменные имена, аккаунты почтовых адресов, а также новых доменов верхнего уровня.”
“Для того, чтобы дать возможность приложениям работать со всеми доменами верхнего уровня, IANA предоставляет актуальный список TLD-доменов.”
“Интернет - это система с огромной инерцией. Любые изменения в стандартах происходят медленно и долго. С течением времени эта скорость увеличивается, но всё же у любого стандарта изменения будут небыстрыми.”
“Основными понятиями являются MUA - почтовый клиент, MTA - почтовый сервер и MSA - сервер отправки почты.”
“Не все почтовые серверы поддерживают EAI. Особенностью этой технологии является то, что если какой-то сервер в цепочке не поддерживает эту систему, передача сообщения невозможна.”
“Google поддерживает корреспонденцию EAI. Для демонстрации отправки и получения почты подготовлены два аккаунта. Для первого пользователя входящий сервер Courier как сервер IMAP, а исходящий сервер Postfix как сервер SMTP. Длявторогопользователявходящийиисходящийсерверы - Google Gmail.”

Most part of the webinar was devoted to practical cases of different international companies.

May 14, 2020. Preparations for the General Assembly for the adoption new bylaws.

  1. Preparations for the General Assembly for the adoption new bylaws.
  2. Test the electronic voting software to be used at the General Assembly.

May 12-14, 2020, RIPE on-line. AMNIC administrator, Anna Karakhanyan, took part in the RIPE 80 Meeting. 

April 28, 2020. ICANN on-line. AMNIC administrator, Anna Karakhanyan, took part in the two public webinars to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on its current and planned work.

April 27, 2020. Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM NGO Council meeting took place with the following agenda:

  1. Decision on the on-line mode of the General Assembly holding.
  2. Choosing the best ways of informing members about the event.

April 24, 2020. ICANN on-line. AMNIC administrator, Anna Karakhanyan, took part in the “ccPDP Retirement Working Group Draft Report” webinar #2. 

April 23, 2020. ICANN on-line. AMNIC administrator, Anna Karakhanyan, took part in the “ccPDP Retirement Working Group Draft Report” webinar #1.

April 23, 2020. Yerevan,Armenia. Girls in ICT Day. The Internet Society NGO in collaboration with the Internet Society Armenia Chapter for the 3-rd year organized an online webinar on "Girls in ICT" international day. This global event is an initiative of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to promote women's involvement in ICT. This year's event has an overarching theme of "Overcoming Digital Challenges." 60 participants of different age joined the 2-hour webinar, followed by an hour networking. A special guest – ITU’s Communication Development Bureau Director Ms. Doreen Bogdan-Martin attended the event and made a keynote speech encouraging women’s involvement in ICT. The webinar covered 2 topics: education and digital marketing. The invited experts spoke about the digital, educational and business challenges created by COVID-19 and presented the technologies and digital tools that can be used to overcome these challenges.

April 22, 2020. ICANN on-line. AMNIC administrator, Anna Karakhanyan, took part in the ccPDP-RM teleconference. 

April 9, 2020. ICANN on-line. AMNIC administrator, Anna Karakhanyan, took part in the “The Domain Name System in the Time of COVID-19” webinar. 

February 13, 2020. Yerevan, Armenia. Armenia Registry (ISOC AM NGO) Council meeting took place where the date of the next General Assembly was discussed as well as membership issue. The ways of better informing members about the GA meetings were proposed. 8 new members were admitted. April 10 was set as the date of the next GA.

February 12-21, 2020. Internet Society NGO External Relations Manager Lianna Galstyan participated to APRICOT2020, DotAsia Board of Directors and Annual Meeting, as well as APTLD77 meetings taking place in Melbourne, Australia. Members of the organization Armen Muradyan and Tsovinar Grigoryan were also present at the APTLD77 meeting. On these meetings Ms. Galstyan made a presentation on .am/.հայ domain names market overview, marketing strategy and the work done.

February 5, 2020. Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM General Assembly took place with the agenda "Approval of the new charter of ISOC AM NGO. The meeting didn't collect the quorum and was postponed.

February 5, 2020. Yerevan, Armenia. amTLD took part in the ccNSO webinar organized by the ccNSO Council Chair and Secretariat helping to gain an understanding of the work of the ccNSO, what to expect from the ccNSO at ICANN meetings, as well as how ccTLD community representatives can participate in the work that affects the Registry and the region.

January 31, 2020. Yerevan, Armenia. Armenia Registry Council meeting took place where the membership issue was discussed. 68 members were excluded from the organization as not paid the membership fee and 23 new members were admitted.

January 24, 2020. Yerevan, Armenia. A special technical working group meeting took place, where the equipment selection for the country DNS system was discussed. 

January 14-16, 2020. Geneva, Switzerland. IGF 2020 First Open Consultations and MAG meeting
The first Open Consultations and MAG meeting took place in Geneva, Switzerland. Internet Society NGO External Relations Manager Lianna Galstyan participated to this meeting in her role as a MAG member. The meeting was planned to receive inputs from the community and stocktaking of the IGF 2019 and to discuss the process and upcoming work towards the IGF 2020 to be held in Katowice, Poland.

December 24, 2019. Yerevan, Armenia. Armenia Internet Registry took part in the Union of Operators of Armenia annual meeting.

December 20, 2019. Yerevan, Armenia. Armenia Internet Registry organized a Regithon2019 meeting where all registrars of the Armenian TLD domains gathered to discuss the problems of domain registrations and collaboration between the Registry and registrars.

December 16, 2019. Yerevan, Armenia. Armenia Internet Registry Board meeting took place where the budgets for the next year and staff list was discussed.

December 6, 2019. Yerevan, Armenia. Armenia Internet Registry Board meeting took place where the membership fee change proposal was discussed and new members were admitted.

November 22, 2019. Yerevan, Armenia. Armenia Internet Registry Board meeting took place where remaining proposals on the new charter were discussed. The new charter was adopted by the Board. The next step will be the confirmation of the new charter by the General Assembly.

October 21, 2019. Yerevan, Armenia. Armenia Internet Registry Board meeting took place where members' proposals on the new charter were discussed. Some proposals remained undiscussed because of the lack of time. It was decided to continue the dscussion.

October 12, 2019. Yerevan, Armenia. Armenia Internet Registry together with ISOC Armenia Chapter organized a Universal Acceptance Technical Training that was carried out by UASG Vice Chair Dusan Stojicevic.

October 12, 2019. Yerevan, Armenia. Armenia Internet Registry together with ISOC Armenia Chapter took part in the 4th EEDNS forum. The agenda of the forum included: Developments in the DNS ecoystem, Issues and challenges impacting domain name, DNS security: performance measurement and best practices, DNS security: promoting security as a state of mind.

October 11, 2019. Yerevan, Armenia. Armenia Internet Registry together with ISOC Armenia Chapter organized the 1st Armenia Youth IGF.
yigf2019-1 yigf2019-2

October 10, 2019. Yerevan, Armenia. Armenia Internet Registry organized the celebration of the 25th anniversary of .am top level domain.

October 10, 2019. Yerevan, Armenia. Armenia Internet Registry together with ISOC Armenia Chapter organized the 5th Armenia IGF. Igor Mkrtumyan made a presentation on Chapter's project "Connecting the Unconnected: Chapterthon 2019".

September 25, 2019. Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM unscheduled Board meeting took place where the findings of Technical Working Group were discussed. The Board agreed to form two specialist groups on financial questions and hardware update of the DNS system.
The Board also admitted 31 new members.

September 18, 2019. Yerevan, Armenia. The results of a new .am logo contest had been summarized. The winner was Nara Stepanyan. Here is the new winning logo:

September 11, 2019. Vilnius, Lithuania. AMNIC administrator Anna Karakhanyan took part in the TLD Conference 2019 with a presentation "Registry - Registrant: Face to face with end user".

September 11-13, 2019. Yerevan, Armenia. The Internet Society NGO and Internet Society Armenia Chapter held the 3rd edition of the ArmSIG – Armenian School of Internet Governance. 20 selected participants representing various stakeholder groups learned about Internet ecosystem from local and international experts. The participants received Certificates.

September 6, 2019. Yerevan, Armenia. A technical task force meeting to study the feasibility of acquiring new servers  and upgrading AMNIC software was held. The meeting developed a number of questions to be discussed at a coming board meeting. Members of the board present at the meeting suggested that an extraordinary board meeting be held to discuss these issues. The offer was accepted, setting an extraordinary session day on September 25 of this year.

July 4, 2019. Yerevan, Armenia. To promote the “.հայ” domain the “Internet Society” NGO is granting domain names in “.հայ” TLD to known people and organizations. The last grantee was the Armenian General Benevolent Union with “հբըմ.հայ” domain. ISOC AM NGO granted the domain for AGBU's  role in in upholding Armenian traditions and values by adapting to the needs of the worldwide community and the demands of the times. as well as servicing the Armenian community and preservation of the Armenian identity and heritage.

July 4, 2019. Yerevan, Armenia. As ISOC AM NGO has planned to celebrate the 25th anniversary of .am TLD, there was a discussion on the scenario of the celebration.

July 4, 2019. Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM NGO has planned to announce a contest for a new logo of .am TLD. The contest will be managed by a special commission.

July 1, 2019. Yerevan, Armenia. The annual price for the IDN Domain Names in .հայ ccTLD is decreased. Apply to your Accredited Registrar to acquire an Armenian Script Domain Name in .հայ ccTLD with the new price.

June 14, 2019. Yerevan. Armenia. ISOC AM Board meeting took place where the final edition of the new Charter was discussed. The Board agreed on final edition and decided to send  it to organization members for a wide discussion before the adoption.
The Board considered a request of acting director Arman Nersisyan to resign for private reasons and satisfied it. Andranik Aleksanyan candidacy was proposed for the position and approved.
The Board also admitted 10 new members.

May 22, 2019. Yerevan. Armenia. ISOC AM, Armenian Internet Registry, being concerned by a slow rate of .հայ registrations decided to decrease considerably.հայ domain prices.  A meeting of Registrars was called at the ISOC AM office, where the reduction of .հայ domain prices as well as advance payments were announced.

May 14, 2019. Yerevan. Armenia. ISOC AM working group (WG) on the new charter clauses took place where the membership was discussed. The WG agreed on the proposed types of membership.

May 7, 2019. Yerevan. Armenia. ISOC AM Board meeting took place where the new Charter was discussed. The Board agreed on the aims of the organization and admitted 30 new members. It was proposed to create a working group for discussion of other clauses of the charter.

April 17, 2019. Yerevan. Armenia. Internet Society NGO hosted a meeting with .am/.հայ ccTLD registrars. They discussed emerging policy and administrative issues pertaining domain name registrations. Also mentioned that such meetings would be continuous to promote a solid working relationship.

April 7, 2019. Moscow, Russia. AMNIC administrator Anna Karakhanyan took part in the RIGF2019 Forum and a round table devoted to the 25th anniversary of the Russian Internet with the report: Overview of the current situation on IDN (Internationalized domain name) and EAI (Email Address Internationalization) in Armenia.

March 13, 2019. Yerevan. Armenia. The Special Assembly of Internet Society NGO took place. The Assembly elected the president of the organization, Board members and Supervisory Committee members.

Mart 9-14, 2019. Kobe, Japan. ISOC AM Board member Lianna Galstyan took part in the ICANN64 meeting.

February 29, 2019. Yerevan. Armenia. The Special Assembly of Internet Society NGO took place. Amendments and additions to the Charter of the organization were discussed, as well as the issue of approving new membership applications and canceling the membership with due membership fees.

February 15, 2018. Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM NGO General Assembly took place. President of the ISOC AM made a report on the organization actvity in 2016-2018. Financial report was presented by Director Arman Nersisyan.

December 4, 5, 2018, Moscow, Russia. ISOC AM Board member Anna Karakhanyan took part in EE DNS Forum 2018 (Eastern European DNS Forum).

November 24, 2018, Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM Board member Anna Karakhanyan took part in the ArmSec2018 conference. ArmSec is an annual international cybersecurity conference aiming at strengthening the cybersecurity community in Armenia and discussing the latest cybersecurity problems.

November 12-14, 2018. Paris, France. ISOC AM NGO External Relations manager Lianna Galstyan and ISOC AM members Kristina Hakobyan, Katarina Gevorgyan and Ani Mkrtchyan took part in the IGF 2018.

November 14, 2018. Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM NGO President I.Mkrtumyan took part in the "GIS in Armenia Schools” workshop organized by AGBU and AVC.

November 1, 2018. Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM NGO and ISOC Armenia Chapter launched a website and Facebook page of rural libraries of Armenia.

October 19-21, 2018. Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM NGO co-sponsored NASA Space Apps Challenge Hackathon 2018, organized by X-Tech company.

October 19, 2018. Yerevan, Armenia. Being an ARMIX foundation founder ISOC AM hosted the ARMIX general and Board meetings. Chair of the Board Albert Toneyan and Director Vahan Hovsepyan made presentations on ARMIX activity in 2017-18.

October 10, 2018. Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM NGO together with Internet Society Armenia Chapter organized the 4th national Internet Governance Forum.

Frederick Donck, director for the European Regional Bureau of ISOC, Alexandra Kulikova, the Head of Global Stakeholder Engagement for Eastern Europe & Central Asia at ICANN and Markus Kummer, Chairman of the Internet Governance Forum Support Association (IGFSA), were the key-note speakers at the opening of the forum.

October 3, 2018. Minsk, Belarus. ISOC AM PR manager Lianna Galstyan participated in the Belarus IGF 2018 conference.

September 28, 2018. Yerevan, Armenia. Internet accessibility center  of the House of Culture of Blind and Visually impaired people created by the Internet Society Armenia Chapter and ISOC AM NGO was named after recently passed away Vice-President of the ISOC AM NGO, Armen Nazaryan. Many people including guests from Moscow took part in the solemn ceremony.

September 12-13, 2018. Yurmala, Latvia. ISOC AM board members Anna Karakhanyan, Lianna Galstyan and Director Arman Nersisyan participated in the TLDCON 2018 conference. Anna Karakhanyan made a presentation.

June 15-16, 2018. Tsakhkadzor, Armenia. ISOC AM NGO and Internet Technologies Center LLC , launched a two-day meeting with registrars (Regithon).

May 30-June 1 2018, Moscow, Russia. ISOC AM Board member Anna Karakhanyan took part in the CENTR (Council of European National Top-Level Domain Registries) Jamboree.

May 22-24, 2018. Ljubljana, Slovenia. ISOC AM NGO PR manager Lianna Galstyan and Kristina Hakobyan participated to the SEEDIG 2018  (South Eastern European Dialogue on Internet Governance) meeting.

May 16, 2018. Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM started qualifying training for arbitrators of domain name dispute resolution.

May 10, 2018. Yerevan, Armenia. A founding meeting of the Internet Society Armenia Chapter took place. The Charter was approved. The President and the Board were elected.

April 25-26, 2018. Tehran, Iran. ISOC AM NGO NGO Board Members Armen Muradyan and Vahan Hovsepyan participated to the MENOG 18 (Middle East Network Operators Group) meeting. 

April 12, 2018. Yerevan, Armenia. There was an ISOC AM Board meeting where the Board approved a separation of the ISOC Armenia chapter from ISOC AM NGO and development of a new organizational charter.

April 6, 2018. Saint Petersburg, Russia. ISOC AM board members Anna Karakhanyan and Vahan Hovsepyan participated in the RIGF 2018 conference.

March 27, 2018. Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM organized a workshop on GDPR. Syuzy Hovhannisyan from Law Department of the Yerevan State University made a presentation "Data protection and GDPR". The presentation will later be represented on the MENOG conference in Iran.

March 20, 2018. Geneva, Switzerland. Lianna Galstyan, ISOC AM PR manager took part in the IGF 2018 First Open Consultations and MAG Meeting.

March 15, 2018. Yerevan, Armenia. Lianna Galstyan, ISOC AM PR manager, APRALO Vice Chair, has been appointed as a member of the IGF MAG.

March 9, 2018. Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM informs with a great sorrow that ISOC AM Vice-President Armen Nazaryan unexpectedly passed away on March 9, 2018. We express our deepest condolences to Armen's family.

March 2, 2018. Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM donated «տեր-կյուրեղյան.հայ» domain with «արմեն.տեր-կյուրեղյան.հայ» subdomain to the President of the American University of Armenia, Dr. Professor Armen Ter-Kyureghyan.

February 25, 2018. Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM Board members Anna Karakhanyan and Misak Khachatryan attended the Checkpoint company workshop.

February 16, 2018. Yerevan, Armenia. AMNIC staff discussed ICANN's interim models of GDPR compliance and decided that the 3rd model is the most suitable for Armenian Registry.

January 20, 2018. Yerevan, Armenia. Internet Society NGO launched the second edition of the Armenian School on Internet Governance. The school duration is 5 months.

January 15, 2018. Yerevan, Armenia. ISOC AM presented the interim report on the ISOC BNet grant "Computers, services and Wi-Fi Internet for rural libraries".

ISOC Armenia NGO activiy in 1994-2017 years


Postal address: 17 Khachatryan str. 3, Yerevan, Armenia,
ISOC AM office
Tel: (37460)272216

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